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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Epic Challenge!

I have challenged the kids to a reading challenge over break. Some students are going to work really hard to finish the book they are currently reading. This would be GREAT!
I also challenged them to visit Get Epic. This is a website we've been using to explore topics and research for some of our nonfiction writing. The great thing is, there are all kinds of books to explore!

Steps to visit the site:

Visit getepic.com 
Click on the sign-in
Scroll down to the classroom code login section
Our code is: MBX-6475

When students enter the code it will take them to their own personal icon to click.

Also, students can visit TenMarks. There are a lot of new tasks loaded for them to practice.

The past two weeks we've been working on conflict resolution.

Students have also been challenged to think about others instead of thinking of themselves.

In reading this week we talked about what questions we can ask ourselves as we read a book. We talked about what is in the book, in our head, and in our heart.

In math this week we began our fraction unit! I hope you received the letter last week explaining the unit. Each students made a fraction set to use during class. These will come home sometime next week. 

Due to some data entering issues, I have not been able to enter your child's math unit three test scores. As soon as I am able to enter the scores I will send the tests home for your view. As I said before, I will be assessing these skills again before the end of the year. 

In writing, we talked through our nonfiction pieces and discussed many different types of text features we could include to enhance the information!

Several students have started to crochet in our class! We are up to about six-seven different kiddos who have been working on projects during our Makerspaces time. 


1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading this post and seeing what is happening in your classroom!
