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Monday, April 10, 2017

Lots of Fun and New Adventures Are Coming!

April is poetry month! 

We will be doing a lot of poetry reading, writing, and celebrating. Here is a rundown of what we are up to:

Check out your child's blog here.

They should be able to login from home. If they have forgotten their password, send me an email and I will respond with the information. All the posts are public but only visible once I have approved the post. You may notice some errors. Not every child is working on the same skill and we are all at different places within our writing journeys. Please be kind and encouraging to your child.

You may remember us using a Padlet to record favorite lines of poetry. Students will be visiting this with more frequency this month as they read poems that inspire. You can visit our Padlet here.

For students who were part of the Rising Writers Club, Amy LudwigVanderwater from The Poem Farm visiting virtually on our last day of club. This month the whole class will be enjoying her poems at her website. We will be visited often as she celebrates poetry using crayons for inspiration.

Check out her website here.  http://www.poemfarm.amylv.com/

You can also see her Padlet with the crayon project here.

And...a really neat video on how crayons are made here.

As an end of the month celebration, the class and I will be doing Chalkabration! This is poetry written in chalk and shared with other poets, authors, and classrooms around the globe. Take a look at what Chalkabration is all about here.

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