WHOOSH! There Went the Week!
I hope your child had a fabulous week! Above anything else, as their teacher, it is my passion and mission to create thinkers. No matter what your child's strength, I want each child to feel valued and important in our classroom. We talked A LOT, about what a growth mindset is and what it means. I hope your child has been educating you on this idea.
The Blog
This website will be your window into our classroom. We also have a Twitter handle, check us out on Twitter @hubbheadlines. I will begin tweeting some of our weekly accomplishments next week. If you are not on Twitter, don't worry, you will find all the information you need here at Hubbard's Headlines.
If you do not have access to the internet and worry you might miss something, I am happy to send a paper copy of our bi-weekly post to you on Friday. Please indicate, on the paper flyer sent home today in the STAR Binder, that you would like a paper copy of the newsletter and I will be sure to send it your way.
This blog is public! Prior to the school year beginning, I indicated to you that I share information with other teachers on blogs and Twitter. If you chose to agree to the terms on the form, you will see photos and information (only positive) about your child online. If you have changed your mind or have concerns, please let me know! Your input is important to me but I don't know unless you touch base with me. Please remember you can contact me at hubbarb@olivetschools.org or by phone 749-4611.
Snack Info
All snack information and snack calendars are posted here on the blog.
To find them, look near the top of the page and click SNACK INFORMATION. It will take you to the snack calendars and policies for our class. Due to significant allergies within our classroom, I WILL NOT allow students to bring food in the classroom that does not have proper ingredients listed. YES, that means, students who bring in baggies of snacks will not be allowed unless it is accompanied by an ingredient list. I realize this might be challenging, however, I know you would all agree that EVERY child's safety is of the utmost importance and no one would ever want to jeopardize that safety. Thank you so much for reviewing the policy and respecting the procedures I have put in place. As always, if you EVER have concerns or questions please ask.
The FUN Stuff
We had an awesome week! I have had a wonderful time getting to know each and every one of your children. Thank you for trusting me as their teacher. Here are some moments from the week.
Marshmallow Challenge Winning Team!
This group built a structure from tape, string, 20 pieces of spaghetti and teamwork. Their structure was 17.5 inches high!
What are math stems? As we learned to work together we had to discuss how to talk to each other. These are sentence starters, or stems, that helped students frame their statements and questions in a respectful and collaborative way.
We have a MANTRA (statement or slogan repeated frequently). We will always try to "Find one Good Thing" even when it gets hard! Our growth mindset chart is also pictured.
How do we work together? We follow eight simple procedures. The chart below shows and reminds students what we need to do when working with a partner or group. Students of all ages (and even us adults) sometimes needs these reminders. Take a peek!
I hope this post was informative! Please remember, if you need a paper copy of the information listed, I need to know. I will assume if I do not hear from you, that you have access to this blog. If you have any questions, NEVER hesitate to ask me. I am more than willing to check-in and give you updates on your child's progress and general well-being.